How can I use Print Screen keyboard button so we can print whatever is on the screen from our DOS programs?
For using Print Screen feature in DOS-box you should enable PrtSc key
for this DOS sessions.
One way for this purpose is here:
1. Create a shortcut to the MS-DOS-based program.
2. Right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.
3. On the Misc tab, click to clear the PrtSc, and Alt+PrtSc check boxes.
4. Click Apply, and then click OK.
5. Double-click the new shortcut icon.
Then you can press PrtSc key and print screen through DOSPRN.
If you want to print graphic DOS-box window you should include
'graphics.com' and 'graftabl.com' system DOS drivers into your batch
file (or system batch file '%windir%\system32\autoexec.nt') also.
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